venerdì 19 settembre 2014

TIP: The report parameters are overridden by the parameter on SSRS Report

The report parameters are overridden by the parameter on SSRS Report.

2013-09-30_1910.png (304×351)

Dynamics AX SSRS engine ignore the parameter like this:

[DataMemberAttribute, SysOperationControlVisibilityAttribute(false)]
public LogisticsAddressing parmAddress(LogisticsAddressing _address = companyAddress)
companyAddress = _address;
return companyAddress;

giovedì 18 settembre 2014

SSRS: After modify of a report data provider class

If you modify a report, on 2012 version, using on SSRS.
But after modify data provider class, modity report layour, do report modification, deploy and do an incremental CIL compilation you:

* can see the result, using dynamics, but only the layout of the report, and no data on new columns
* and you can see the report goes good on visual studio internal preview

The solution is to restart the SSRS Reporting Services service where it's installed, in my case on the same of AOS Machine.

AX 2012: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel

The error you're encountering, "The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel," can occur due to various re...