giovedì 1 ottobre 2015

TIP: InventSum don't update ModifiedDateTime and ModifedBy fields

On my project i need to know how InventSum are updated , but when i activate the modified datetime the field this has no be automatic updated.
Than, thanks to this post, i found a good solution.

Warning:, it's a kernel solution, than use it with care.

The InventSum update is made by a class, the InventUpdateOnHand
On this classe there is a method that build a SQL statement for the UPDATE of InventSum table.
I made a customization here and add on the UPDATE statement the MODIFIED fields.
There customization are made only for SQL server database.

Here the XPO of customization:

On the method sqlUpdateStr you can comment out the IF clause to debug it on runtime, remember to comment out on production env.

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