This is the code for exporting data entity using X++
Note: Export is done using batch job, consider it in case of used that on a performance requirement implementation
EntityName entityName = DMFEntity::findFirstByTableId(tableNum(VendVendorV2Entity)).EntityName;
Query query = new Query(DMFUtil::getDefaultQueryForEntity(entityName));
QueryBuildDataSource qbds = query.dataSourceTable(tableNum(BankPositivePayExportEntity));
DMFEntityExporter exporter = new DMFEntityExporter();
fileId = exporter.exportToFile(entityName,
'', //Optional: ExecutionID
"CSV", //Optional::SourceName
#FieldGroupName_AllFields, //Optional field selection
query.pack(), //Optional: Filtered Query
curExt() //Optional: DataAReaId
if (fileId != '')
str downloadUrl = DMFDataPopulation::getAzureBlobReadUrl(str2Guid(fileId));
Filename filename = strFmt('export.csv');
System.IO.Stream stream = File::UseFileFromURL(downloadUrl);
File::SendFileToUser(stream, filename);
throw error("DMF execution failed and details were written to the execution log");
error("error occurred while exporting");
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